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Ancient civilizations and restricted history by bestselling author Freddy Silva

Ancient architects created a global network of temples and megaliths to mirror the perfection of the universe. With an unerring knowledge of the mechanics of nature, these magicians built sacred sites to outlast the ravages of time and human folly. They understood the flow of subtle energy, located its hotspots, and applied a combination of geomancy, sacred geometry and earth magic to create living spaces capable of influencing consciousness. Behind every pyramid and stone circle there exists a symbolic language containing the keys to ancient systems of knowledge, codes of creation, sound, sacred geometry, and how they can be applied to influence the everyday world.

For decades I've researched countless temples and megalithic sites, and discovered how they act as intermediaries between the material and the spiritual. Essentially, they are portals, the ultimate self-help centers. Engage with ancient places and the fringe benefits are beyond imagination.

Sages, scholars, mystics, even the Knights Templar hard-wired a library of information as an insurance policy for times when we’d forget why we are here. My research will make you aware of this legacy so that you may improve the quality of life within and around you.


New video: The Hidden Side of Egypt

Secrets In The Fields 20th anniversary edition now on sale

New book. Portals: Energetic Doorways To Mystical Experiences

Sacred U. A new Online Course offering a bridge between material and magic.

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Topics ranging from the initiate’s best-kept secret, the legacy of Egyptian temples, and Druid London, to the best-kept secret of the Knights Templar, our love affair with the paranormal, even the origin of crop circles. These and much more are covered in here.

See you back in a day or three.

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Ever wondered why stone used in megalithic temples is not of local origin? Or why you get electric shocks from dolmens, menhirs and other standing stones? Well, there's a science behind it. Read more…

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Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry was used to generate a specific energetic environment inside a temple. It’s one reason why pyramids may look alike yet each feels different. And this geometry resonates with your DNA.  Read more…

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Megalithic sites are precisely aligned to each other, to stars, planets, even constellations, by the art of ley lines. Find out what these are and how they differ from telluric currents (electromagnetic energy).  Read more…

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W-holy Water

Water covers two-thirds of the planet and the human body. It is also the primary building block of every temple. Is this why water in sacred sites is more potentized than ordinary water? Read more…

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Sacred Measure

There is measure and then there is sacred measure. The architects of ancient temples distilled a numerical system based on the laws of nature, then applied it in stone circles and pyramids. Read more…

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Subtle Energies

No, it's not your imagination, you do see unusual things in ancient sacred sites. Each one is a junction box for the Earth’s telluric currents, and their effect on your state of awareness is profound. Read more…

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Crop Circles

Crop circles are a misunderstood phenomenon. Given the distorted media bias, it's no wonder. Solid research proves that not only are they not made by people, they are also linked to ancient sacred sites.  Read more…